Counselor's Corner Archives


  • May

    Mental Health Awareness Month 

    The Wellness Team
    Dear York Prep Families, 

    Mental Health Awareness Month is observed in May and has been since 1949. The goal is to raise awareness about mental health risk factors, the connection between physical and mental health, and how to practice self-care.   Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.  It affects how we think, feel, and act.   It helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices.  This is a great time to highlight the importance of taking care of your mental wellness. 
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  • April

    Finding a Therapist

    The Wellness Team
    Dear Parents,

    April is National Counseling Awareness Month, an observance raising awareness and promoting mental health and the importance of counseling professionals. As such, this provides an excellent opportunity to look at why people might seek counseling for themselves or a loved one and provide resources to do so.  
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  • March

    Mindfulness Practices in Reducing Burnout

    Dear York Prep Community,

    As quarter 3 ends and we begin the final quarter of the school year, it is important to be proud of the work we have all put in thus far, while also acknowledging the burnout that often occurs at this point in the year. Implementing mindfulness practices into one's daily schedule can be helpful in reducing symptoms of burnout. 

    What is burnout?

    Burnout is a form of exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged emotional, physical, and mental stress. Symptoms of burnout often include feeling drained, loss of motivation, sleep difficulties, and decreased interest or pleasure in daily life. 

    What is mindfulness?

    Mindfulness is a state of active and open attention to the present. This state is described as observing one’s thoughts and feelings without judging them as good or bad. Mindfulness practices are utilized in several therapeutic interventions, including mindfulness-based cognitive behavior therapy, mindfulness-based stress reduction, and mindfulness meditation.

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  • February

    Reflective Parenting

    February 15, 2024
    Dear Families,
    This newsletter topic was excitedly generated out of a conversation amongst the Wellness Team counselors! This was a “real life” dialogue discussing the many different parenting approaches, and how they show up amongst our students, in the school and social settings. Understanding parenting styles is crucial for fostering a nurturing environment that promotes healthy child development. Reflective parenting, where parents consciously consider their actions and the needs of their children, plays a significant role in effective parenting. Being "firm, fair, and consistent" is essential in this process. A fair approach ensures that children feel understood in the context of each situation, rather than rigidly adhering to a specific set of rules or expectations.  Now, while we “label” and define the four types of parenting styles below, keep in mind that it’s just that-”a label!” We should not judge, or even limit ourselves to squeeze into a “box.” There might be elements that really work for you and your family, and others that absolutely do not. Focus less on the “titles” and more on the things you are doing that are working, and other areas that you might want to improve upon. 
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  • January

    Supporting Neurodiverse Teens

    The Wellness Team
    Dear Families, 
    We hope you had a restful and restorative winter break! 

    As we return to school and the rigors of academics, we begin thinking of the best ways to continue supporting  our students. We  know not all students learn the same way. What is the best way to support and encourage  neurodiverse students?    

    As parents, everyone strives to provide unwavering support and create an environment that nurtures a child’s unique strengths.  When you are parenting a neurodiverse child, that can sometimes be easier said than done. 
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< 2024