Faculty Directory
Our teachers work closely with each student to tailor an individualized educational track throughout the school year. They are dedicated and passionate about the cultivation and development of every York Prep student.
York Prep teachers bring years of dynamic teaching experience, skills that were developed working in the field, and infectious enthusiasm for learning into their classrooms.
As a result, students gain skills in analytical thinking in addition to their educational growth. Ninety percent of our teachers hold advanced degrees and they have been teaching a median of 15 years.
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Grace Kravitz
Christya Boucher
Patricia Arnao
Connie Thompson-Brett
Jon Serri
Ethan Pennington
Andrew Marzoni
David Leventhal
Madeline Fulton
Sarah Davis
Leah Umansky
Namrata Singh
Dianna Ryerson
Michael Morrissey
Mack Morgan
Emma Luparello
Evanthia Basias
Jennifer Salerno
Melissa Feibusch
Anita Xu
Irini Samolis
Arlette Ostrow
Molly O’Donnell
Shannon Magni
Sean Ahern
Victoria Pevzner