Transitioning Back to Full-time, In-person School

Dear York Prep Community,
We hope you all had a wonderful summer! We are so excited to return to school wide in-person learning. Please join us in welcoming Ms. Alison Kaslow to the Wellness team!
We are aware the transition back to full-time school may be challenging for some. Heading back to school is always a big event. This fall, in addition to students returning to school, some parents are going back to offices, making big changes for some families. For our students, it will mean returning  to school-related activities and expectations suspended during remote learning. 
Although most students will be excited to return, especially those who remained remote since the beginning of the pandemic, some may experience challenges. The full impact of the pandemic on children’s mental health will take time to understand. They may experience anxiety, complain of feeling stressed, describe feeling nervous or having difficulty concentrating.  It is important for us to continue to monitor their emotional well-being. We recommend that you check in regularly with your child about their thoughts and feelings related to school. These are normal reactions to a traumatic year.
Parents can help teens cope with stress in the following ways:
  • Be aware of your child’s stress and monitor if it’s affecting their behavior, thoughts, or feelings.
  • Listen carefully to your child and watch for “emotional overloading” (ie. feeling overwhelmed, panicked, expressing fear)
  • Learn and encourage stress management techniques
  • Encourage involvement in exercise, sports and other social activities.
Teachers can help with stress in the following ways:
  • Listen to your students when they’re sharing an experience.
  • Maintain daily routines as much as possible
  • Be mindful of students over sharing very personal experiences
  • Notice changes in students usual behavior
Remind students there are adults to speak with at the school to address any of their concerns. Students can reach us on Canvas or visit our offices. Parents can reach us by email; Evelyn Rowe-Cosentino at ,Elizabeth Aiello at, and Alison Kaslow at We are available to speak with your children regarding any social-emotional concerns. 
When you have a moment, below are some resources to help you and your family navigate your child’s return to school.
Evelyn Rowe-Cosentino , Elizabeth Aiello, and Alison Kaslow